UNO SAVed #6

1.Personal Details

Some description about this section

2. Course(s) applied for.

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3. Previous and present education.

Please list details of all institutions attended since age 11.

4. Academic qualifications – examinations achieved

Please list all qualifications taken, whatever the result, in chronological order. Documentary evidence of known results should be sent with this form. Only certified photocopies are acceptable.

5. Academic qualifications – examinations pending.

Complete this section only if you are awaiting the result of any examination taken recently

6. Previous study in the UK (for overseas (non-EU) applicants).

The Home Office has introduced a limit to the time that international students on a Tier 4 Student Visa can spend studying at degree level. There will be a general limit of 5 years on study time but this will not apply to those studying for Master’s degrees following successful completion of an undergraduate degree where the undergraduate course duration was 4 or 5 years. In these cases the limit will be set at 6 years. We also have to ensure that any study you are proposing to undertake represents academic progression from any previous studies in the UK.

If yes, please list below any previous study (regardless of the level i.e. English language courses) undertaken in the UK. We will also require copies of all visas held during those periods of study.

7. English language.

All international students applying for a course at the University of Northampton must meet the minimum English language requirements, however, if you do not meet these requirements we offer pre-sessional academic English language courses and an international foundation programme. For more information visit:
Please give full details, including dates, of any English tests taken/to be taken:

8. Work experience.

 (if applicable to course application)
Please give details of work experience, training and employment.

9. Finance and fee status.

All students offered registration will be asked to supply details of their financial position, letters of guarantee from sponsors etc, to ensure that they can complete the course without financial hardship.

Please give details of any scholarship grant application giving name, value and duration.

10. Declaration of a criminal conviction.

Only complete this section if you are applying for a course that requires a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
check, which can be confirmed by checking the course entry requirements on our website.

Applicants who answer ‘Yes’ will not be automatically excluded from the application process, and theirapplication will be considered on its merits before the relevance of their criminal conviction is taken into account. However, the University may ask for more information about their criminal conviction before making a final decision. If you are convicted of a relevant criminal offence after you have applied, you must tell us. Do not send details of the offence; simply tell us that you have a relevant criminal conviction. The University may then ask you for more details.

11. Personal statement/further information.

Please use this section to tell us about yourself and your reasons for wanting to study this course. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.

12. References.

Please read the guidance notes carefully. Please note that it is your responsibility to send Part B – Statement by Referee – to your referees for completion. We will not be able to make a decision about your application until we receive your references, one of which must be an academic reference if you have recently completed a school or university course.

Referee 1 – Academic

Referee 2

Please note, references should not be provided by close family members or friends.

13. Disabilities/special needs.

Please tick the appropriate box(es) and in the space at the bottom of this section indicate any additional support or facilities that you may need at the University. This information will be made available to ASSIST who can support applicants through the admissions process and agree adjustments for their studies. Information you disclose about your disability will be used in accordance with the University’s Admissions Policy. You can access this at and find information about Disability Services at


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